Thursday, 12 August 2010

Running Log: Thursday, August 12 2010

Canal -> Dawsholm Park -> Garscube Estate -> Henderson Cup XC handicap race -> Maryhill Rd

4 miles warm up (7:00/mile average)
7 miles xc race: 5.35 (161), 5.52 (170), 5.47 (173), 5.53 (173), 5.48 (174), 5.43 (174), 5.50 (172) + an extra barefoot mile in 5.55 (159)
3.5 miles cool down (7:30/mile average)

14.5 miles in 1:35, average pace 6:31/mile (151 bpm, 74% working HR)

1 comment:

Stephen Mulrine said...

You neglected to mention winning the race by a considerable margin (handicaps aside). ;)