Canal -> Dawsholm park and Garscube xc loops -> River Kelvin -> Maryhill Rd -> Queen Margaret Dr -> Oban Dr
21.3 miles in 2:20, average pace 6:35/mile (148 bpm, 72% working HR)
miles 1-13, easy (7.06, 6.45, 6.58, 6.47, 6.54, 7.02, 6.36, 6.52, 7.15, 6.53, 7.07, 6.59, 6.40)
miles 13-17, steady with 100 meter sprints every 500 meters (barefoot) (5.50, 5.44, 5.52, 5.46)
miles 17-21, easy to steady (6.48, 6.12, 6.00, 5.44)
Week total: 69.1 miles
August total: 210.4 miles
Year total: 1452.5 miles
Notes: what a difference a day makes! couldn't even run a step without hobbling pain yesterday and then felt great on today's long run!