Monday, 24 August 2009

Running Log: Monday, August 24 2009

Lunchtime Training Group:

1.8 miles to Kelvingrove park, 7 x figure 8 hill loops in the park with Grant and Russell, 3.6 miles to Spier's wharf and along canal home

9.6 miles in 1:04:00, average pace 6.40/mile
Splits: 6.23, 6.40, 6.36, 6.57, 7.14, 7.09, 6.57, 6.30, 6.00, 6.06/pace
Average Heart Rate: 160 bpm


Debs M-C said...

By the way, do you know who runner 12296 is?

Ben Melby said...

Yes. He is Stuart Campbell. I think he runs for Arbroath. We battled one another pretty much every race last summer: 5k, 10ks, half.