Canal -> River Kelvin (turn around) -> The Stables -> Kirky Rd -> Torrance -> Cawder footpath -> Canal (with the Shettleston boys: Jethro, Alan, Martin, Mark)
16 miles in 1:44:00, average pace 6:30/mile
Splits: 7.12, 7.12, 7.16, 6.45, 6.56, 6.30, 6.27, 6.20, 6.15, 5.57, 6.25, 6.19, 6.17, 6.16, 6.12, 5.42
Notes: cloudy, on/off rain, 4 degrees; felt very good today, recovered well from yesterday's race (must have been that Korean recovery drink Stephen! who wouldn't want to drink something called "Sweat" after a race?)
Week Total: 48.7 miles
Month Total: 31.6 miles
Year Total: 456 miles