Sunday, 15 June 2008

Thoughts and Trots: First Entry

Lately I have been injured and thus a little depressed ... thinking about the experience of motionlessness, darkness, nothingness, silence ... Then I read the following and it inspired me to begin blogging:
"What if the void is everything and the only certainty is the fleshly tomb of one's own pain in a universe where no one is listening?"
For some reason I have always been comforted by this thought - celebrate the 'fleshy tomb' I say! And who cares if no one is listening ... just start a blog - the 'answer' to this existential question/crisis.


Marco Consani said...

Is that your wee yellow shorties? Are you pure gay!!! :-)
Hee hee


PS Love the blog. will add you to my list of favourites. Sorry to hear your injured Ben. I hope that you get back to full fitness soon. See you soon.


Debs M-C said...

Welcome to the wonderful - abeit crazy - world of blogging.

I've got the perfect video to brighten up your blog ;-)

Looking forward to reading your tales.