Saturday, 27 June 2009

Running Log: Saturday, June 27 2009

Grass Reps *

2 mile warm-up at 6.35 pace, form drills (high knees, butt kicks, high skips, bounding, side steps).
8 x 400 (62, 64, 64, 65, 63, 64, 63, 62) with 200 meter jog rest.
1 mile cool-down at 6.45 pace.

6 miles total
Barefoot: the only way to do speed work

*the "400 meter" reps are likely somewhere between 386 and 402 meters (see comments regarding the limited accuracy of the Garmin reading)

Friday, 26 June 2009

Campsie Fells, Dumgoyne

A beautiful Friday. Let's go for a walk! A drive to the Campsie Fells, park at Glengoyne distillery, and turn the dogs loose...
...and then leash them quickly. With Jack, we will only make that mistake once.
Ridiculously pastoral. Classic Scotland. Our hill-of-the-day: the distinctive, diminutive, but never depressive Dumgoyne.
Oh, look at the wee lambs! They grow up so fast these days.

Dumgoyne is surprisingly steep. Much steeper than it looks from this angle.
Britt and her bump. The mini Melbinger loves hill-walking!
Meta-dog - aka Crab Cakes - has been in our charge for 6 weeks now. She may be small, but boy can she scamper up those hills.
Ladies first...
Jack Black, maxin' and relaxin'. "Can't we just live here guys?"
Looking back towards Loch Lomond.

Warm day. Glad we finally made it.And you can't have a dog blog without the tongue-shot:
"Shiny Happy Puppies in the Grass..."
"Throw Your Love Around. Puppies, Puppies..."

What a view, 360 degrees:

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Running Log: Thursday, June 25 2009

Garscube club training session: Milngavie Country Loop

9.4 miles in 58.40, average pace 6.14/mile (w/ Alex, John, & Stephen)

Splits: 7.13, 6.43, 6.17, 6.22, 6.18 (hilly), 6.27 (hilly), 5.44, 5.47, 5.37, 5.33/pace

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Running Log: Tuesday, June 23 2009

Kelvin loop warm-up: 3 miles (7.07, 6.45, 7.01)

Fergus Hill Reps x 8 (150 foot climb in 300 meters, ca. 15% grade - i.e. steep) w/ downhill jog recovery

Cool down: 1 mile (7.05)

Total: 6.7 miles, average pace 7.00/mile

Monday, 22 June 2009

Running Log: Monday, June 22 2009

Time to revitalize my running life after an untimely layoff...

Garscube Estate loop: 6.2 miles in 40:00, average pace 6:27/mile